Tá cúrsaí STEM ag dul ó neart go neart le blianta beaga anuas. Bhí Cumann STEM ann anuraidh agus rinne na daltaí ceardlanna faoi roicéid, fuinneamh inathnuaite, eolaíocht fhóiréinseach. Thóg siad carranna, tuirbín gaoithe agus níos mó. Foghlaimíonn daltaí faoi ghairmeacha san earnáil STEM fosta tríd bualadh le fostóirí agus oibrithe i gcomhlachtaí éasgúla amhail Bombardier, PWC, agus ALMAC.
Chomh maithe le cúrsaí Eolaíochta, tá grúpa éiceolaíochta ann, ina mbíonn daltaí ag foghlaim faoin timpeallacht agus ag cur feachtais iomlán scoile chun cinn maidir le hathchúrsáil agus laghdú plaistigh srl. Bhain daltaí an Duais John Muir amach tríd an obair a rinne siad ar scoil agus taobh amuigh den scoil.
STEM subjects have been going from strength to strength at Coláiste Feirste recently. Last year, we developed out STEM club where students took part in workshops about rockets, renewable energy and forensic science. They built cars, wind turbines and did other practical investigations. Students also have opportunities to learn about careers in the STEM sector through speaking to employers and workers from companies such as Bombardier, PWC and ALMAC to name but a few.
As well as science-based activities, we have an Eco-Group who are passionate about the environment and help develop whole-school initiatives around recycling and reducing single-use plastics. Some students achieved the John Muir award through their hard work in out of school. We work closely with other groups such as the Belfast Hills Partnership and Belfast City Council to give our students opportunities for outdoor learning at local Nature Reserves and forests.
We also have a fantastic green-house at Coláiste Feirste where student can grow plants and vegetables. They learn about the importance of sustainable living for the future of our planet.