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An Ghaeilge/Gaeilge

An Ghaeilge i bhfeidhm

Is mian le Coláiste Feirste cuidiú leis na daltaí a bhféiniúlacht agus a gcultúr sainiúil féin a thuigbheáil agus a cheiliúradh agus tá sainmheon Gaelach na scoile lárnach san aidhm seo.  Is scoil lán-Ghaeilge í Coláiste Feirste, is í an Ghaeilge an uirlis is tábhachtaí i gcuid oideachais na ndaltaí agus caithfidh siad a gcuid féin a dhéanamh di le linn a saoil scoile agus barr maise a chur ar a gcuid oideachais agus cur le foghlaim na ndaltaí eile. 


  • Cothaíonn an Coláiste timpeallacht agus cuireann sé imeachtaí ar siúl chun na daltaí a spreagadh le bheith ag labhairt na Gaeilge.


  • Tá an scoil ag dúil le tuismitheoirí tacú linn chun meon Gaelach a spreagadh agus a dhaingniú sna daltaí agus cur ina luí orthu a thábhachtaí atá riail agus stádas na Gaeilge sa Choláiste.


Má labhraíonn daltaí Béarla áfach léiríonn siad dímheas ar éiteas na scoile agus baineann siad bonn den timpeallacht foghlama.  Sa chás seo déanfar gníomh chun cosaint a dhéanamh ar chearta gach dalta foghlaim trí mheán na Gaeilge.

Gaeilge in practice

Coláiste Feirste seeks to help pupils understand and celebrate their own distinct identity and culture and the Gaelic ethos of the school is central to this aim.  As it is an Irish Medium school, the Irish language is the most important tool for the pupils’ education and they are constantly encouraged to make Irish their first language and use it throughout the school day in order to enhance their own educational potential and facilitate the learning process of their peers.


  • The College creates an environment and organises a range of events to encourage the pupils to speak Irish throughout the school.


  • The College requests that parents support us in nurturing and consolidating the Gaelic ethos among pupils and persuade them of the importance of the language in College life.


However if pupils speak English they are showing a disregard for the school ethos and are undermining the learning environment. Action may be taken therefore to protect the rights of all pupils to learn through the medium of Irish.

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